Thursday, October 9, 2008

Theology & Technology (Theonology?) First Draft

Here's an excerpt from the first draft of my paper examining the interaction between priestly ministry, technology, and theology. It's a long ponderous thing but it's not done yet. Follow the link for the full google docs version.

The catechism says that science and technology are "ordered to man" and thus "find in the person and in his moral values both evidence of their purpose and awareness of their limits"(CCC 2293). Since it is "in the church … that the Christian fulfills his vocation", the Church's teaching concerning morality necessarily extends to the proper use of technology in the life of man. (CCC 2030) Most high profile discussions about technology and morality revolve around questions of bio-technology and medical ethics. Exemplified by the wide spread dissent to Paul VI's radically counter-cultural Humane Vitae, the church has struggled to reaffirm the meaning and dignity of life in the face of the secular dogmas of progress and "choice". While these questions are grave, other important questions about the interaction between man and technology, while subtle, also have substantial consequences.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Technology in the Parish

"Archdiocese of Omaha." 2008. (accessed 9/10/2008).

The Archdiocese of Omaha has an excellent website that demonstrates good stewardship of technology (and takes advantage of the opportunities for communication that I mentioned in my paragraph) by providing ease of access to a wide variety of information quickly and succinctly.

(proper citation is made difficult because the author of the website, and date of creation could not be determined.)

Thursday, September 4, 2008


My name is Gregory Carl and I'm a seminarian for the Archdiocese of Omaha. (My bio can be found on the archdiocese' website too). I grew up in a big Catholic family and have thought about becoming a priest since I was five years old. I've been in formation since 2005, and God willing will be ordained in 2012. I just graduated from Conception Seminary College (go blue barons!), and am now a graduate student/theologian/and soon to be a candidate for orders.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Ubi Fumus

There once existed a similarly titled blog maintained by the civilian Greg Carl, but it contained the reprobate rantings of a heathen. It was called "Where there's smoke", a title intended to communicate something of the furnace-like consumption and destruction that befell any topic within his intellectual grasp. Because I have recently entered theology, and am enrolled in Dr.Mahfood's class concerning stewardship of technology and good communication, I wiped my internet persona, changed my blog title to it's Latin equivalent (of course, I mean, , and will post on all things wholesome and inspiring: I emerge as Mr. Gregory Carl, Seminarian of the Archdiocese of Omaha, Candidate for Orders, and all around cool cat.